

看中华 最新资讯 2020-03-28 14:26:55



最佳答案 东京转机例提前办 买联程机票转机 99%给批 本尤其护照(免签家北朝鲜并列)买机票先买同转机 据说航班能转机能提前转走或者让黑屋住机场田机场24营业要咨询航空公司 所买机票包包括机场机场税 能 稳妥提前本驻英使领馆凭机票办理境签证本使领馆航空公司都咨询 没提前办境签证航空公司建议乘坐JAL或者ANA于72便72签证必须住处比提前定宾馆或者航空公司给提供住处另外给摘本外务省相关资料关于机场申请72落签情况根据位朋友情况用翻译吧文版[停靠登陆许]Q19.我准备本关西空港换乘飞机美航班关系需关西空港附近旅馆住晚否需要本入签证A 本同家机场换乘飞机第三本逗留间 72 内通航空公司申请陆签种陆签仅允许短期逗留改变期限行范围受限制且若申请批准则任何补救所发前准备要本境请定申请境签证或短期逗留签证境签证所需要材料效护照照片张签证申请书转机效机票第三签证注)持境签证本进行商务探亲访友英文版C. Special Cases of LandingIf the passengers of an airplane or ship that lands at an airport or seaport in Japan wish to enter Japan temporarily for shopping or rest, they can receive special landing permission from the immigration authority at the port of arrival even if they do not possess a visa.In principle, applications for such special landing permission are made not by the foreigners wishing to enter Japan themselves but by the captain of their airplane or ship or by the carrier (transportation company) operating the flight or voyage. When special landing permission is granted, the foreigners concerned are not given any status of residence or period of stay, but restrictions on landing time and scope of movement are stipulated as conditions for permission. Also, special landing permission is not granted if the applicant will be returning to his or her place of departure (for example, coming from Hawaii and then returning to Hawaii).Please note that these permits are for very short stays, they cannot be extended, and the route to be followed in transit, etc. is subject to restrictions. If foreigners wish to travel in Japan, they are recommended to acquire a transit visa or a short-term visa before coming to Japan.For more details concerning special landing permission, please inquire at the nearest immigration authority.(a) Permission for Landing at Port of CallSpecial dispensation, called a shore pass, may be granted to foreign passengers aboard an airplane or ship that is proceeding to another destination via Japan who wish to enter Japan temporarily for shopping or rest. A shore pass permits such foreigners to enter Japan as long as they remain in the vicinity of their port of call (in principle, the municipality in which the port of call is located) and for a period of less than 72 hours.(b) Permission for Landing in TransitThis dispensation is called a transit pass. There are two types: permission for landing in transit for sightseeing and permission for landing in transit for departure at a neighboring port.(i) Permission for landing in transit for sightseeingPermission is granted to the foreign passengers of a ship arriving at a Japanese port of entry who wish to travel in Japan for sightseeing purposes and then rejoin the same ship at another port of entry in Japan. This permission is valid for up to 15 days. (看 坐船港口给落签 且应该概率高)(ii) Permission for landing in transit for departure at a neighboring portPermission is granted to foreign passengers of an airplane or ship proceeding to another country via Japan who wish to enter Japan from their first port of call and then move to another port of call in a nearby area for departure. This permission is granted when a foreign passenger wishes to depart Japan within three days.In principle, another port of call in a nearby area is regarded as a port that is under the jurisdiction of the same regional immigration bureau, or the immigration bureau of a neighboring region. (For example, Narita Airport to Haneda Airport or Narita to Nagoya Airport are acceptable, but Narita Airport to Kansai Airport is not allowed.)



最佳答案:我曾经拿过72小时落地签证~当时手里是新西兰的学生签证 新西兰(奥克兰)-日本(成田机场)-中国(北京) 在普通的新西兰的旅行社买的jal的机票并且包括酒店(也是jal旗下的酒店) 不需要提前申请 在日本入境的时候 有很长的外国人入境队伍 这个队伍...


最佳答案:需要但是又不同,可以直接在机场申请叫shore pass,你从哪去哪经日本都可以在机场申请shore pass. shore pass的意思就是,在下一段航空公司的担保的情况下,你可以出境72小时。 到达日本机场后,在出境的海关前,你会看到办shorepass的桌子,桌子...


最佳答案:需要过境签证。 另外,即使你有美国的签证,落地签对于中国公民来说,从中国途径日本飞美国的时候,以为可以过境时入境日本72小时。但是到了那里,还是告诉我虽然国际上有这个规定。但是对于持中国护照的,他们还是不会执行的。而且,对于中国公...


最佳答案:是的,部分空港不再审批了。这个你可以直接问询日倭驻华大使馆获取准确信息。 建议国内事先申请过境签证,必须通过代理机构申请。 所需文件: 护照:有效期半年以上的因私护照原件,首页及第三国签证页的复印件。(护照终页上需有持照人 签名,...


D-outclass 2020-03-28 02:13:00 来自 专业版微博

东京-韩国-上海的行程,持日本的探亲签,回国想在韩国中转然后出境玩三天,需要过境签证吗?看有大部分说是不需要的,有这样经验的请给下意见@韩国驻华大使馆 @韩国旅游发展局微博

看到敏感词就脸红 2020-03-28 02:39:39 来自 专业版微博

@吾爱全球签证中心 请问如果想一次性去日本韩国自由行,日本入境,玩几天飞韩国,再从韩国回国,需要办两个国家的签证么,可不可以办理日本过境签证。

网优展览 2020-03-28 02:06:18 来自 专业版微博


唐重郁_静候灵归 2020-03-28 02:32:57 来自 专业版微博


吃货小芋艿最近伐搓麻将手哈痒 2020-03-28 02:59:36 来自 专业版微博

@刘总Troy 上海外事服务中心现在好像接受日本过境签证材料代送,电话问询过,可以。好像之前也有签出案例

尼古拉-特斯拉NikolaTesla 2020-03-28 02:26:15 来自 专业版微博

有美国B1\B2签证可以有条件过境免签(可出当地边检和海关) 1.日本(72小时) 2.韩国(30天)3.新加坡(96小时,且至少有1个月有效期,且一个往返程只能用一次) 4.阿联酋(96小时,需坐阿联酋航空提前办理或者找机场一家价格较贵的代理处理) 5.英国(24小时从这些国家出境前往目的地,或从其它国前往这些国家。

弗兰基说要爱老婆 2020-03-28 02:52:54 来自 专业版微博


